Sunday, November 24, 2013

Surgery and recovery (warning long post)

I am now officially sleeved.  Technically I am 11 days post op since my Gastric Sleeve Operation (hallelujah!) It has taken me a while to write this post as I wanted to do this surgery and the recovery justice.

Firstly lets talk about the surgery and the immediate recovery.  I was booked in for 1pm on 14/11/2013.  I had to be at the SAN at 10am, and the prep was easy!  No eating since midnight the day before, (which is easy considering I was only having optifast) and turn up on time.  Done!  I arrived with my wonderful husband, and waited in nervous anticipation for my name to be called.  Finally called at 10.05am and taken to the prep area.  I was gowned, and had bloods taken, with lots of waiting in between.  I was wheeled to surgery and said a teary goodbye to hubby.  Surgery was a scary place before they put me under, lots of machines that go bing set up around me, and people moving around you very efficiently.

When I woke up in recovery, I didn't really comprehend where I was.  I felt sick, nauseous and in pain.  Lucky this passed quickly, and I woke up again in my room on the ward soon after that.  My hubby stayed with me as long as he could that first day as I drifted in and out of sleep.  Lots of being woken up for observation by the nurses and medications, needles (yep lots of needles) and other tests etc.  That first night is pretty much a blur.

The next couple of days went by slowly for me.  I wanted to go home but couldn't as they needed to keep an eye out for leaks etc.  One thing I will say is that all the nurses at the SAN were amazing.  They were busy (of course) but always had time for me when I buzzed.  I was able to shower that second day, with some assistance, and watch some crappy day time tv.  Hubby came and visited when he could, along with my mother and sister.  The following day I had my father in law and sister visit.  Throughout these times I could barely keep awake enough, and slept through some of the visitations.  The third day post op I was finally able to go home, as long as I could stomach a cup of tea in the morning, and some "lunch".  Lunch consisted of a clear vegetable broth, and a bottle of milk.  Needless to say I was able to keep those down, and was discharged at around 3 pm.

The first couple of days at home were much like the hospital.  Sleeping, sipping and recovering.  I got into a routine of getting up, having an optifast shake, which would take me hours to drink, only to need to have my lunch and then dinner.  It feels like I sipped all day on that and water, or cordial.

At 10 days post op I am not getting out of the house, and being more active.  It doesn't take me hours to drink the optifast any more and I have expanded my diet to include:
- Optifast
- Sustagen
- Up and Go
- Chicken Broth
- My liquid weis bar (see related post)
- Water

Not super exciting I know, but filling and it satisfies my needs.  I add fibre to 3 of my shakes per day which has meant no toilet problems for me.  I tried protein powder, but hated it.  I think i might need to shop around until I find a nice one.

I am going to lists some truths about the Gastric Sleeve op that you might have read elsewhere and dismissed, or hoped wasn't true.  I am not writing these to frighten, or put anyone off their decision to get a sleeve.  It is important that anybody researching weigh up their pro's and con's.

These are part of the con's:
1. This is not a surgery to be taken lightly.  It may be key hole for most, but it is not a day surgery.  I was in hospital for 3 days, and would have been in for 4 if I did not push for discharge.  It took me a whole 7 days post op to feel like my human self again.
2.  The lead up to the surgery and the recovery process is not easy.  2 weeks of optifast pre-surgery is a walk in the park compared to the graduated recovery process post op.  2 weeks of fluids, followed by 2 weeks of purees, followed by 2 - 3 weeks of soft foods only then do you progress to full solid food at 8-9+ weeks post surgery.
3.  You will be tired.  I am still tired 11 days post op.  This is a combination of lack of calories, and ongoing recovery from the surgery.  I am told that the tiredness eases once you progress for full solids.
4.  Your body may not want to eat, but that does not switch off your mind.  I continue to think and dream about food even though I am not hungry.  

So far these are the things that I wish I was greater prepared for pre-surgery.  I have spoken to people who have seen a psychologist regularly in the lead up to surgery who have adjusted a little easier post surgery.  I am not saying it is essential, but that might be a great idea to assist with the adjustment to your new life post surgery.

Stay positive, and positive things happen!  This is my mantra at the moment, as I continue to adapt and change to my new life.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

My liquid savior

Being on the fluid phase of recovery for the 2 weeks post op means that I am trying to be creative surrounding my meals.

My favourite and saving grace at the moment is my liquid weis bar.  


3 tablespoons of low fat mango yogurt
3 tablespoons of mango nectar
1/4 cup low fat milk

Blend all ingredients until smooth.
Serve chilled with ice.

I also add fibre powder (Benefiber) and protien powder.

Try it for yourself! Definitly tastes like a liquid weis bar!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Optifast - day 6

(Disclaimer I am 6 days through the Optifast diet and I would kill someone for just a slice of bread, this post maybe a little umm...different)

Today is day 6 of my pre-op Optifast diet.  For those that are not familiar with Optifast the basics are 3 meal replacement shakes per day with 2 cups of vegetables.  No starchy, yummy vegetables - no only bland boring and sad vegetables.  No potato, pumpkin, corn or peas.  Oh and did I also mention you are limited to only 1 carrot per day. No dairy, meat or carbs.

I am literally bored with food! I have run out of ideas to make my allowable vegetables interesting. I have made soup, ratatouille, salads, balsamic baked vegetables, mash and purees. I just want some more flavour and textures!  Did I mention just some bread would be amazing?

On the positive side, (don't worry there are positives) I am 6kgs down in 6 days.  My skin is clearer, I have more energy, and I feel better physically! It's motivating and it makes me anxious to start my journey post op!

I promise that it gets better for all those reading who have just started or are going through the Optifast stage.  The first couple of days are hard, but by day 3 or 4 the sugar withdrawls stop, the headaches go, the fatigue and shakiness stop.  I stopped feeling hungry all the time by day 3, and at this point I get quite full after my second cup of veg per day.

Hang in there everyone, and keep motivated! No cheating!!  (Must remind myself these things too)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Wish list

Below is a list of things I want or want to achieve through weight loss and the gastric sleeve. I am sure that this list will be ever-evolving and changing as I begin to change myself.

1. Crossing my legs
2. Wearing boots in winter (not ankle boots but actual almost knee length boots!)
3. Not shopping in speciality stores or fat sections for clothing
4. Walking into stores and actually being served
5. Not having to worry about if I will fit on rides
6. Climbing the Harbour bridge, and not worrying about being able to fit into the overalls
7. Going to public events (concerts, festivals etc) and not being self conscious about being the fat girl
8. Feel more confident in public speaking  situations, and not just think everyone is looking at my fat
9. Having more energy to get up
10. Being able to go for a walk without being self conscious of my breathing
11. Doing things as a couple not centered around food
12. My parents being proud of me
13. Being happier, healthier and more energised!
14. Being fertile enough to have children

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Paying through the nose for a good reason

Yesterday it was exactly three weeks until my surgery date.  How am I feeling?  Excited, apprehensive, amazed that the time has gone so quickly and (just a tiny little bit) scared.

It all became real yes for me when I paid for the gap payment to the surgeon and completed my pre-admissions form online.  I was lucky enough that I was approved to access my super early, under compassionate grounds.  For those thinking about the gastric sleeve, or something similar, it is not cheap, nor is it covered under Australian Medicare.  If you don't have private health, you are looking at upwards of $11,000, and with private health the gap payment is around $5000 or more.  Accessing your super is not excessively difficult, but it is a time consuming process.  For more information, I have included the link to the DHS website here

So next week on Wednesday will be my pre operative appointment, along with my initial psychologist and dietician appointment.  I am apprehensive about the psychologist appointment, mainly because I don't usually talk about or admit my failings (and my weight is my biggest failing).  The dietician is not going to be a surprise.  I know that I will need to do 2 weeks of Optifast preoperatively and following the surgery I will likely be liquid only for up to 2 weeks, followed by mushies for a further 2 weeks. 

The 3 week countdown is on, and I can not wait!